Manaslu Circuit Trek

Manaslu Circuit Trek

The Manaslu Circuit Trek is a spectacular journey around the world's eighth-highest peak, offering an off-the-beaten-path experience through some of Nepal's most untouched and remote areas. This trek is renowned for its breathtaking scenery, diverse ecosystems, and rich cultural heritage, blending the allure of high-altitude landscapes with the vibrancy of Himalayan culture. As you navigate through lush forests, arid highlands, and traditional villages, the trek unfolds a tapestry of natural wonders and cultural treasures set against the dramatic backdrop of the towering Manaslu.

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Tour Details
Manaslu Circuit Trek
Duration14-20 days
TransportationDrive from Kathmandu to Soti Khola, the trek starting point
Per Day Cost$1200 to $1800
PermitRestricted area permit for Manaslu, ACAP, and TIMS card required
Favorable TimeMarch to May and September to November
Manaslu Circuit Trek


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Manaslu Circuit Trek

Manaslu Circuit Trek

Manaslu Circuit Trek
The Manaslu Circuit Trek is an extraordinary adventure through a region of unparalleled natural beauty and cultural depth. Traversing this part of the Himalayas offers a profound connection to the wilderness and a deep appreciation for the enduring way of life in the high-altitude villages. The trek's route through diverse landscapes, from verdant valleys to stark, snowy passes, mirrors the journey's blend of challenge and reward. This trek is an opportunity to step into a world where the majestic peaks of the Himalayas meet the enduring spirit of the local communities. The Manaslu Circuit Trek is a testament to the beauty and resilience of the natural world and its people. As you complete this circuit, you carry home memories of the breathtaking vistas and the profound interconnections between people and nature in one of the world's most extraordinary settings.
The Manaslu Circuit Trek costs typically range from $1200 to $1800, covering transportation, accommodation, meals, permits, and guide and porter services. The High Cost reflects the remote nature of the trek, logistical challenges, and the need for special permits to access the restricted areas. Budget for personal gear, extra snacks, drinks outside of meal plans, and tips for guides and porters. The trek offers a comprehensive Himalayan experience, combining natural beauty, cultural immersion, and the adventure of traversing high mountain passes.
Manaslu Circuit Trek
Manaslu Circuit Trek
The Manaslu Circuit Trek is an extraordinary adventure through a region of unparalleled natural beauty and cultural depth. Traversing this part of the Himalayas offers a profound connection to the wilderness and a deep appreciation for the enduring way of life in the high-altitude villages. The trek's route through diverse landscapes, from verdant valleys to stark, snowy passes, mirrors the journey's blend of challenge and reward.